The wait is over!!!
Rozalia Russian

Just before we get into the questions and answers I want to thank Rozalia for being kind enough to take the time out to answer these questions for my blog. She really is a sweet heart and very much down to earth and humble as I imagined she would be.
I have followed Rozalia since I first starting using instagram and she had about 3K followers (she now has over 100K, a blog and a online shop all of that plus having a baby - pretty amazing huh!!).
Back then her feed was full of photos from her wedding, honeymoon and home decor and it was her home decor that first grabbed my attention!! I loved her home styling.. she has since done and incredible job on her blog and fashion events that I have started to admire her fashion style as much as her home styling. It's not a fashion I would necessarily wear but its very much her style and flattering to her body, I love that she sticks to what she likes and doesn't follow trends.
From the comments you see on her Instagram photos you will notice companies constantly offering her their products for free and I love that she sticks to only posting what she actually loves and uses!
Once again thank you Rozalia.
are you aspirations for your Blog? Are you are go with the flow kind of person
or did you set out to achieve what you have so far?
I am definitely a go with the flow kind or girl, in saying that though
I do set myself goals whether it’s working with a certain brand or getting a
certain job.
Being a good mother and wife is the most important thing so I have had
to knock back amazing jobs because it required a lot of travel or leaving
willow for a long period of time but that’s my choice and I wouldn’t have it
any other way.
I use my website and store as a way to do something for my self on the
days that Willow is with her grandparents so I am selective of what jobs I take
on as I want to give them 110% and that means doing less but giving it my all.
you see yourself expanding?
At the moment I am so time poor and I am constantly behind in emails
so I am trying not to take on too much.
In saying that I have some exciting things happening this year that I
can't wait to share and it does see my brand expanding in a huge way.
drives you to keep blogging?
I receive the most beautiful emails from my readers asking me for
advice regarding everything from fashion to baby and home and that keeps me
The fact that these women turn to me and trust me for my opinion is
very humbling.
I love sharing things with my followers as I think we need to support
and help each other.
networking do you do that you feel helps your blogging business?
Going out to events is very important, as that is where you will meet
the right people in the industry
In saying that you need to choose which ones you go to and I am a big believer
of not going to every single event you get invited to.
You need to attend ones that fit in with your brand and style.
It’s amazing what happens when you bump into people and start having a
chat. The old saying is ‘its not what you know but who you know”
Any specific tips you have for
bloggers who want to make it in the blogosphere?
I think it is very important to stay true to yourself and your style.
It needs to be very organic as I feel that if you are tying to be a
certain way that doesn’t come natural to yourself than eventually it will show.
Also make sure you have fun and don’t take yourself to seriously!
At the end of the day its all of bit of make believe and what happens in life when you are not on your phone is more important.
At the end of the day its all of bit of make believe and what happens in life when you are not on your phone is more important.
My favourite saying is being famous on Instagram is the same as being
rich in monopoly, It not real!
I’m sure you get a lot of companies sending
you their products? Do you promote everything or stick to things you like and
use yourself? If so how do you deal with the companies that have sent you items
but you do not want to promote?
I am very lucky that yes I do get sent and asked to promote a lot of
products but I always stick to what I like and actually use.
At the end of the day I will never upload a photo of a skin care or
make up product unless I have actually tried it myself. Sometimes the reviews
are great and other time I will be honest and say that I prefer another
If I have been asked to promote something that I do not wish to I will always send a polite email saying thank you but sorry I can’t help you out.
If I have been asked to promote something that I do not wish to I will always send a polite email saying thank you but sorry I can’t help you out.
How do you manage your time to work
on the blog plus be a first time mummy?
Being organized and having a schedule is very important. I am lucky
that Willows grandmothers look after her on a Wednesday and a Friday, so that
means that they are my two work days.
All my meeting and photo shoots are scheduled on those days.
Then on the other days it’s all about being a mum and wife. I spend
those days taking Willow to the park and her little activities.
I will do emails when she is sleeping or pack orders at night once she
has gone to bed so yes it is tiring and I will be working away until the early
hours of the morning but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
What’s been your most exciting moment
since creating your blog?
Launching my online store was a pretty awesome moment, and then
selling it out in less than a day left me speechless.
It was that moment that made me realize, ok all my hard work has paid
It also made me realize of what I could do and that I had set the bar
really high and now its all bout making each month bigger and better.
What do you find most challenging
with your blog?
Just finding the time to make it what I really want it to be. Being a
mum and juggling all other work commitments means that my blog does get
neglected at times.
This year is all about giving it a revamp and creating something that
no one has every seen before.
What is the best advice you have
Life is never perfect, you have highs and you have lows and this is a
very important lesson to accept in your work life.
I have had plenty of lows, where certain jobs have been cancelled last
minute, or that awesome pitch has gone to some one else.
It is easy to just give up and complain that things are not going your
way however you need to rise above it and come up with a bigger and better
My favourite saying is actually a hockey term and one that my husband
taught me. He is an incredible businessman and entrepreneur and has been in his
industry for 20 years.
“A good player doesn’t go where the puck is going, he goes where the
puck is going to go next”
I apply this to everything I do. I don’t do what everyone else is
doing at the moment, I try to come up with concepts that everyone will want to
do next.
What is a typical week like for you
with running your blog?
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday are my days to be a mum to Willow.
We go to the park, play dates etc.…
We go to the park, play dates etc.…
Then Wednesdays and Fridays are my workdays. In saying that sometimes
I will be book for jobs on the days that I have Willow so I am constantly
organizing her grandmothers to look after her.
I am very lucky to have a lot of help from family, which gives me time
to go to the gym and work.
As I mentioned though a lot of work gets after 8pm once willow is in
bed and my husband and I have had dinner.
Any more exciting collaboration we
can look forward to?
I have set myself a few goals
that I want to achieve this year both with the blog and store.
I have some awesome collaborations coming up which I am excited to
announce in a few months time.
I can’t give anything away at the moment but it is something that I
have never done before and it will take my brand to a whole new level.

Your home styling is amazing, where do you draw your inspiration? I
tend to move things around my home until it feels right? How do you settle on
your decor? Do you have any help?
I have always loved the whole modern French look with dark floors,
white walls and lots of marble.
I don’t have too much colour in my home either.
I just find any time I try to add colour using pillows, towels or bed
sheets, I like them for about two days and then I get over it and always go
back to white.
What are your go to stores for furniture and decorative pieces?
I love momu, west elm, pottery barn, Coco Republic, French and English
and Maison est.
Do you have any tips on making your home cozy this winter?
I think winter is all about layering pieces in your home.
This means adding cushions and throws to your couch and bed.
Lots of candles and some yummy comfort food in the fridge.
This question is for the mummies... How do you keep your home looking
immaculate with a toddler?
I was always brought up showing respect for my mother’s things and I
have taught Willow the same thing. From a young age I taught her the rules
about not touching the photo frames, candles etc.
We are strict with her but she is so well behaved and I haven’t had to move anything away from her.
We are strict with her but she is so well behaved and I haven’t had to move anything away from her.
In saying that she does have plenty of her toys in our living room and
the key is to have her pack up any time she is finished playing with toys so
before her nap, before we go out and at bedtime.
She thinks it’s a game of who can pack up the quickest.
I will then do a quick 20 min clean every night and wipe all of the fingerprints
and food marks.
Cleaning up as you go means that you will never feel that you are
overwhelmed with housework.
is your favourite thing about your home?
I absolutely love our kitchen. My husband and I designed it and 6
years later it is my favourite room in our house.
you have a wish list for your new home?
Our new home is completely different to our current.
It is a beautiful Edwardian home with the amazing ceiling roses and
wall and door details.
I will add some of our signature elements to the new house such as
dark floors but I am excited to decorate it and turn it into our family home.
Nick and I bought our current house 6 years ago long before we were
married and had our daughter so its not the most baby friendly of houses.
The new house will definitely have some more baby friendly areas.

do you plan your outfits?
It really just depends on my mood, sometimes I love wearing dresses
and other times I would prefer pants and a blazer.
It sounds clichƩ but it really just depends on how much time I have to
get ready and what our crazy Melbourne weather is like.
On my days off you will always see my in gym gear.
There is no way I could wear anything else whilst chasing Willow
are you three must have pieces for this coming winter?
A beautiful grey/black woolen coat, a killer leather jacket and pants,
and a beautiful pair of winter boots.
you set yourself a budget? If so what are items do you splurge and save on?
I think it is important to be realistic when you are buying clothes,
for example I would never over pay for a plain t-shirt or leggings.
In saying that winter is definitely a more expensive season. It is
important to invest in good quality boots and coats. The way I see it, instead
of buying quantity I will always buy less items but they are of amazing quality
and will last you for many years.
I am also a big believer in investing in shoes. You could be wearing
the most basic plain outfit and as soon as you pair it with a beautiful pair of
shoes, your outfit will be transformed.
are your favourite places to shop? Do you have any secret shopping spots/websites?
Anywhere where there is a massive change room where I can spread out
Willows toys and keep her entertained whilst I try on clothes.
celebrity‘s wardrobe would you most like to raid?
Victoria Beckham, Tom Ford
fashion related pet hates?
When your bra straps are showing. Underwear is just as important as
the outerwear
are you top three never fail wardrobe essentials?
A good pair of leather pants. A silk white shirt and a killer leather
is your definition of style? What does style mean to you?
Style to me is a way to feel comfortable and confident in what you are
wearing. Style is knowing your body type and what suits you so you dress to
flatter your body shape.
It is important to understand that trends will come and go however if
you find a style that flatters you, you will always feel confident.
Just because something is in fashion it doesn’t mean it is going to
suit you.

Quick Favorites
Aperol Spritz, champagne, wine and good old vodka (actually anything)
Poached eggs on toast with cheese and turkey
Any sort of pasta or spicy Asian flavors.
Long grain, rock pool, baby
Work out
I have just started boxing with my husband so really enjoying mixing
my work out up.
A good glass of wine
Unfortunately I don’t have time to read books at the moment. The only
reading I do is to willow and her choices are usually, Hairy Maclarey, Time for
bed, or the Tiger who came to Tea.
Ministry of sound chill out cds
Holiday destination
Anywhere in Italy
Latest obsession
I’ve just started to get back into cooking. As the weather is getting
colder, I am finding myself staying home more and more trying out new dishes
for the family.
The great Gatsby
TV show
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