The difference between wearing leather and fur!

I found this forum and love it - please read! There is a difference! You don't have to be vegan!
Animals have every right to be on this earth and we have no right to hunt them for their fur!
If a dog bits you its put down but when we torture them just for fur and its okay!?
How would you like it if we skinned your babies and wore their hair just as decoration on a scarf or beanie! It's extreme to say that but really there is no difference!
I also really can't stand how people give others a hard time for eating dogs & cats but they themselves eat cow and pig... there is no difference!
At the end of the day I wish we didn't use leather also and in my perfect world we wouldn't kill animals for any reason! But we dont live in a perfect world... however small steps make a big change and wearing fur is absolutely ridiculous and only serves the rich to look luxurious in their own minds!
Best Quotes:
- Leather can be extremely functional while fur serves mostly as a symbol of opulence.
- You wear it because of vanity
- The answer is that most fur is taken from the animal while its alive --
ie they are skinned alive. This isn't the case with leather.