Sunday, August 17, 2014


Happy RSPCA Cupcake Day!


I realllllly dislike all those vegan pre-made cake mixes you find in the health food section or in health food stores... they just taste awful!
I was determined to find a cake mix that was delicious and vegan so I spent the whole day in Woolworths reading all the ingredients on the cake mix boxes and finally found one! Plus I found an already to spread icing!!!!!!!

Now the cake mix requires you to add in butter, eggs and milk so I just substitute these with vegan options.. Instead of butter I use Nuttelex, instead of eggs I use 3 tablespoons of apple sauce and instead of milk I use unsweetened almond milk

Tip - I would recommend using a tablespoon of chia seeds to make the cupcakes a little more fluffy.

Green's - Traditional Vanilla

Betty Crocker - Creamy Deluxe Vanilla

Cow & Grass Cupcakes

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