Sunday, July 31, 2016
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Hey Rita,
Thanks so much for your email.
I'm so glad you love my little DIY creations as sometimes I feel I fail at them... A LOT! Haha!
I do love hosting parties as I love setting them up and decorating and I LOVEEE making a cake or cupcakes to match the event.
I kind of always find an excuse to decorate or have an event, it's mostly for the holidays but I am starting to branch out and get creative... As you noticed I had the Fiesta Party and a 4th of July Party but I also have a Movie Night planned, Game Night, a Summer Brunch and hopefully a NYE Party - I have already started buying bits and pieces for all of these events.
I get inspired by things that I just generally love doing, my husband and I always play board games so that's where I got the Game Night party idea from, I love watching DVDs and just staying in so that is where I got that idea and I thought of the Summer Brunch idea because I wanted to show my girlfriends a little love and appreciation because they are the bestest best friends I've ever had and I want to enjoy their company :-)
So just think of things you love doing, then just make it a party :-)
Below are my tips on hosting a party.
I just love the idea of decorating and making events bigger, I don't like how holidays are starting to lose their meaning, so I like to go over the top now to compensate. I love making new traditions and making every holiday count.
I love watching movies where everyone meets up for Christmas, sings carols, put the tree up and wear matching pjs - there is nothing better.
So pick something you are passionate about and if it's an event for someone else pick a theme based on something they love i.e my husband loves fishing so I did an all fishing themed party for his birthday once and my mum loves knitting and sewing so for mothers day I based the theme on that. Picking someone you are passionate about is key, as you will be driven to do your best and you will really want to make them happy and feel loved - you will go the extra mile and then another mile and maybe some more miles if it's someone you love deeply.
I started but just decorating our home for Christmas, Easter and Halloween and so that's where my love for decorating a table came from... I would also just do a little breakfast or dinner night for just Steven & I then eventually I started doing a family Christmas or Easter event, the trick is to invite people (that's why I stick with family and close friends ) that won't care if everything turns out crap!
Maybe I can do something on a bigger scale one day, but I'm not that confident yet.
I'm all for DIY things, that's the most fun and creative bit, but if you have a little extra money to spend I say spend it, as the more extravagant it is the better, just don't brake the bank - do up a budget and see how much you can spend and then get everything you can within that budget.
i.e. for my husband's 30th I did a Star Wars theme but this was before all the hype of the new movie was about and there was NO STAR WARS STUFF anywhere in Australia - I had to buy everything from the US and even that was hard, but when I did find stuff like the full size cut out of Darth Vader for $100 I didn't think twice, I knew it would stand out and be the focal point!
Well I would only say this if your not the best cook - if you are a master chef by all means cook your own food.
I just don't want to spend the day cooking and then having people not like what I cooked or it not turning out so I order something different for each person based on what their favourite foods are.
I prefer to bake as I have nailed my cupcakes recipe and everyone always asks for my cupcakes.
The best thing for me about the party is doing all the DIY food theme things! SO MUCH FUN!
I like to have everything completely done and set up the night before.
I don't like to have anything to do on the day besides take photos of my creations.
I start a mood board on Pinterest a few months ahead to get some awesome ideas and start doing and DIY things asap.
It may seem like a lot of effort and rearranging might happen or planning but nup!
My trick is to just let it happen and fall into place.
I pick a colour them and then just go with it.
I start with the big objects and just add everything else around it, I'm not to stressed about it.
If you have cute things it will just all work out.
I find that with even just my home decor, I just go with the vibe, I never really plan on wear something will go, I just let it happen.
You will often find just putting anything anywhere on the table works out best.
This I honestly got from Sex and the City when Charlotte has her second weddings and everything is going wrong and she is crying the bathroom but Carrie reminds her that the first wedding was perfect but the marriage not so much!
So focus on what's important, which is laughing and spending time make memories with family and friends!
I have taken on this approach with everything in life, if something doesn't work out oh well it wasn't meant to be.
i.e on my wedding day I lost my earrings, I couldn't find them anywhere and my mum had a melt down whilst I happily laughed my way to the closest mall and just bought new ones (which looked even better than the ones I had - see everything happens for a reason)!
All I cared about that day was having a blast with my husband, family and friends!!!!
I even had people pull on my veil until it fell off but I was like oh well and when people kept stepping on my dress and putting holes in it I would laugh and tell them not the stress as I'm never going to wear it again!
So yeh, when things don't work out, move on - it's not that important.
If you are planning a party, make sure you don;t have anything else planned for that day.
Make the entire day about that and don't give the guest are set time, most people will stay a few hours and if not it's probably because you are all having too much fun so why ruin that by giving people a set time to go home.
Everything can tie into the theme from what you are wearing to the serving plates!
I like to made everything count.. I love using Easter cups on Easter and using all my Cristmas dishes around Christmas time.
Invitations, goodie bags and drinks - it can all add to the theme!
Straw can match, your slippers, outfit, hair, makeup - EVERYTHING COUNTS!
9. DIY
I think doing most things your self and being creative is the most fun and shows the person they are worth your time by putting in so many hours of creating something special for them.
To top if off I have added some pictures of themes and ideas that inspire me and you can find more on my Pinterest at

4th of July


spa day

movie night

girls birthday

boys birthday


baby shower

earth day



game night

kitchen tea invite
My Personal Picture for Inspiration!

stevens space and star wars themed birthday

my husbands two favorutie things: doughnuts & pizza

earth hour

fathers day

my mums birthday

rspca cupcake day

rspca cupcake day

valentines day

parents in law's birthday (same day, same month & same year!)

brother's birthday

hubbys birthday

renewal wedding

brothers birthday


gingerbread making party

green theme for my niece who loves green

hot chocolate bar

my husband lovessss krispy kreme doughnuts

biggest morning tea

star wars day

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